Inroduction To Structures
Posted by
Ravi Kumar at Monday, September 26, 2011
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Arrays can be used to represent a group of data items
that belong to same type,such as int or float.However,
If we want to represent a collection of data items of
different types using a single name,then we cannot use
arrays.At this time,we use structures.Structure is used
to represent a set of attributes,such as student_name,
roll_number and marks.The individual structure elements
are referred to as members.
Consider a book database consisting of book name,
author,number of pages and price. We can define a
structure to hold this information as follows.
struct book_bank
char title[20];
char author[15];
int pages;
float price;
The keyword ‘struct’ declares a structure to hold the
details of four fields,namely title,author,pages and
price. These fields are nothing but members of structure
elements.Each member may belong to a different type of
data. book_bank is the name of the structure and is
called the structure tag.This will be used to declare
variables that have tag’s structure.
This declaration has not declared any variable. It
simply describes a format called template to represent
information as follows.......
struct book_bank
title array of 20 char’s
author array of 15 char’s
pages integer
price float
general declaration of a structure
struct tag_name
data_type member1;
data_type member2;
we can declare structure variables using the tag name
any where in the program.For example, struct book_bank,
book_bank1,book_bank2, book_bank3;
each one of these variables has 4 members as specified
by the template.The complete declaration is like ....
struct book_bank
char title[20];
int author[15];
int pages;
float price;
struct book_bank book1,book2,book3,book3;
These members do not occupy any memory until they are
associated with the structure variables such as book1.
In defining structure we may follow the syntax
1.The template is terminated with a semicolon.
2.While the entire declaration is considered as a
statement, each member is declared independently for
its name and type in a separate statement inside the
3.The tag name such as book_bank can be used to declare
structure variables of its type,later in the program.
Normally structure definitions appear at the beginning
of the program profile,before any variables or functions
are defined. They also appear before the main,along with
macro definitions such as #define.
We can assign values to the member of a structure in a
no. of ways. The link between a member and a variable is
established using the member operator.Which is also known
as dot period or
period operator.
For example,
is the variable representing the price of book1 and
can be treated like anyother ordinary variable.
Like any other data type,a structure variable can be
initialized. A structure must be declared as static if
it is to be initialized inside a function.
static struct;
int wt;
float ht;
student ={60,180.75};
we can initialize a structure by using different ways.
struct st_record;
int wt;
float ht;
static struct st_record student1={60,170.75};
static struct st_record student2={63,170.65};
Another method is to initialize a structure variable
outside the function like...
struct st_record;
int wt;
float ht;
static struct st_record student2={63,170.65};
C language does not permit the initialization of
individual structure members within the template. The
initialization must be done only in the declaration of
the actual variables.